
Lifted from pooled email addresses, the content of this blog shows actual scam emails received and found its way in the inbox folder- not in the junk/spam folder. Please do not contact any of the names listed below. These emails are known scams proliferating on the internet and this blog exposes such kind. We are not responsible nor liable for untoward misfortunes, eg. theft of identity happening as a result of contacting these people.

We would also be featuring valuable news or updates related to scams and from time to time share tips on safeguarding your identity online. This blog is for everyone's awareness and information only.

Call-Forwarding Scam Reappears: Don't Be Tricked Into Dialing *72

By Dawn Fallik

Officials are warning people to be careful of an old con that's popped up again -- the call forwarding scam.

Victims often think they're doing a kindness to a stranger or for a friend. The phone rings, usually late at night, and callers tell the victim someone has been injured, and to contact an officer at the scene.

How to get the officer? By dialing *72, then a phone number.

But that *72 only activates the call forwarding function -- letting the con artists make collect phone calls and pay-per call services on your dime. Many people don't find out they've been conned until they receive a whopping phone bill.

It's recently been an issue in Michigan, where the Isabella County Sheriff's office issued a warning.

A similar scam involved someone claiming to be an inmate, saying he dialed the wrong number, explaining he has been arrested -- and please dial *72 and the "right number" so he can reach his mother or family.

That's how the scam started in 2004, when Cook County Jail inmates in Chicago used *72 to make hundreds of long-distance calls, all paid for by someone else.

Better Business Bureau officials say consumers who fall for the scam should dial *73 to deactivate the feature and report unauthorized charges to their phone companies.

via Wallet pop