Job Prospect Scam Email Offer from "Coker Mills"
This one says they got our contact info from an internet directory. Really?! Or perhaps an insider from Yahoo! or elsewhere sold our email and sends this lucrative, tempting offer that sounds hokey from the get go.
How emails such as this one keeps ending up in our inbox instead of spam folder still boggles us. Clearly, the free email services we use (Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, Lycos, etc) should have accountability in the matter. They have the power and ability to filter these emails yet they keep coming in to our inboxes...
We are also puzzled as to how many people still fall for this kind of scam. These scammers exist because they are most likely conning 1 in every 100 person who responds to the email. To them that is worth something.
Awareness is key. Spread the word: When you get a tempting email offer, search for the "keywords" online to find out if other people are talking about it or the email is listed on sites such as this website as a scam.
DO NOT RESPOND to the scam email. Doing so will only be a charade of deceit, lies and conning at your expense. In the end, you lose. It is not worth the risk.
Good luck to us all!
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would you like to work from home/temporarily and get paid weekly? If you
are interested get back to me promptly.
We are glad to offer you a job position at our company, COKER MILLS. Our
Human Resources department got your contact from the Internet directory. We
need someone to work for the company as a Representative/Book keeper in the
USA. This is in view of our not having an office presently in the USA.
COKER MILLS is a custom manufacturer of roll goods, laminates and
substrates, as well as TurtleSkin safety gloves, protective hunting and
waterjetting clothing and also SpinSkins bike tire liners. You will find
COKERMILL's materials where rugged performance and durability matter most.
COKERMILL specializes in taking engineered products from concept, through
prototypes, into production. Our engineering and manufacturing operations
include extensive lab testing, R&D, material production, and final
assembly. Using advanced fibers such as Kevlar, Vectran, Nomex, Conex,
Teflon, and Spectra, we specialize in engineering new materials to solve
difficult problems.
* The average monthly income is about 4000.00 USD.
* No form of investments from you.
* This job takes only 1-3 hours per day
We have sales representatives all over the world to distribute our
products. You know that it is not easy to start a business in a new market
(being the US). There are hundreds of competitors, close direct contacts
between suppliers and customers and other difficulties, which impede our
sales promotion.We have decided to deliver the products upfront, it is very
risky but it should push up sales by 25 percent.We need to get payments for
our products as soon as possible. Unfortunately we are unable to open Bank
Accounts in the United States without first registering the company name.
Presently with the amount of orders we have, we cannot put them on hold for
fear of loosing the customers out rightly. Secondly we cannot cash these
payments from the US soon enough, as international Cheques take about 14
working days for cash to be made available.
We lose about 75,000 USD of net income each month because we have money
transfer delays. You are not involved in any sales. Once orders are
received and sorted we deliver the product to a customer (usually through
FEDEX/UPS).The customer receives and checks the products. After this has
been done the customer has to pay for the products. About 90 percent of our
customers prefer to pay with Certified Cheques, Money Orders or Cashiers
Cheques depending on the amount involved.
1. Receive payment from Customers.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on each Payment processed.
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of our offices
or locations you will be instructed to send payment to.
Our payments will be issued out in your name and you can have them cashed
at your Bank or other Cashing Services. Deduct your weekly salary and
forward the balance to the company via Western Union Money Transfer or
MoneyGram. We understand it is an unusual and incredible job position.
This job takes only 3-7 hours per week. You will have a lot of free time
doing another job and you will get good income regularly.
This job is very challenging and you should understand it. We are looking
only for the worker who satisfies our requirements and will be an earnest
and reliable assistant. We are glad to offer this job position to you. If
you feel that you are a serious and honest individual and you want to work
for COKER MILLS, kindly fill your information below and send to me
First Name:.............Middle Name:........Last Name:..............
Addrress Line1............................................
Address Line2........................................
Home Phone.......................Cell Phone.........................
Nation of Origin........................................
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From DONALD COKER Wed Mar 11 04:08:11 2009
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